by Dr. Stephanie Maj | Mar 7, 2016 | Podcast
DR. MAJ RECENTLY INTERVIEWED ON EXPERIENCE 50 PODCAST. HERE ARE THE DETAILS: On a daily basis, Dr. Steph Maj sees the impact of stress and chaotic thoughts on the body and spirit. Even she falls victim to the gerbil wheel in her own head. Don’t we all! We each need...
by Dr. Stephanie Maj | Mar 3, 2016 | News
026 Pickle Story | #1 Quoted story from my book! In my book, You Can Be Well!, go to page xvii and read all about it. Use the text code below to receive a digital copy of my book. To learn more about Dr. Maj, text to the number: 44222 the message YOUCANBEWELL...
by Dr. Stephanie Maj | Oct 20, 2014 | featured
The Miracles of Chiropractic! This infant was crying for 2 1/2 days and nights. Nothing the parents did calmed the infant. The parents took the infant to a Chiropractor to be adjusted and you see the results!!
by Dr. Stephanie Maj | Oct 20, 2014 | featured
Weekly Health Tip from Dr. Stephanie Maj Fight off the flu like an all natural samurai ninja. Kid Natural explains why he doesn’t need any needles. Kid Natural on Flu Shots Check out our new hours! Monday 10am – 1pm & 3:30pm – 7pm Tuesday 8am...
by Dr. Stephanie Maj | Aug 28, 2014 | News
By around 8 months of pregnancy, most babies move their heads and settle into a position to come out head first. Well, your baby is fully grown 3 to 4 weeks before due date and there’s a lot of planning going on how the baby will be born. Most babies twist and turn to...